Daniel R Dipert
ABT 1866 Indiana, USA
(unknown date)
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at Ancestry.com (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
Daniel R Dipert (c.1866-?)
Daniel R Dipert (c.1866-?) │ wife: Julia // (Dipert) (c.1873-?) │ dau: Rosalee Depert (c.1903-?) │ son: Frank Depert (c.1909-?) │ son: Daniel Robert Dipert Jr (1915-2017) │ │ wife: Willie Vernelle "Nell" Brown (Dipert) (1918-2013) │ │ dau: Roberta Jean Dipert (Hall) (living) │ │ │ husb: Jerry Lee Hall (living) │ │ │ son: Alan Dale Hall (living) │ │ │ │ wife: Terry Denise Neill (Hall) (living) │ │ │ │ son: Jonathan Dale Hall (living) │ │ │ │ dau: Jennifer Lane Hall (living) │ │ │ │ son: Patrick William Hall (living) │ │ │ son: Albert Glen Hall (1959-1959) │ │ │ dau: Iris Jean Hall (living) │ │ │ dau: Shelly Denise Hall (Quattlebaum) (living) │ │ │ │ husb: Michael Douglas Quattlebaum (living) │ │ │ │ dau: April Michelle Quattlebaum (living) │ │ │ dau: Leanne Hall (Collins) (living) │ │ │ │ husb: Steven W. Collins (?-?) │ │ │ │ dau: Mary Elizabeth Collins (?-?) │ │ │ │ son: Samuel Hall Collins (?-?) │ │ son: William Daniel Dipert (living) │ │ │ wife: Nellie Ruth Eldridge (Dipert) (living)