George John Henry Hoff
12 Feb 1883 Terre Haute, Vigo, Indiana, USA
28 Nov 1957 Terre Haute, Vigo, Indiana, USA (age 74 years)
Highland Lawn Cemetery, Terre Haute, Vigo, Indiana, USA
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
┌─Henry Hoff (1845-?) George John Henry Hoff (1883-1957) └─Margaret Carney (Hoff) (1855-?)
George John Henry Hoff (1883-1957) │ wife: Nellie Frances Hefferen (Hoff) (1886-c.1956) │ son: Kenneth J Hoff (1909-1973) │ │ wife: La Vaughn King (Hoff) (living) │ │ dau: Shirley Ann Hoff (Hayes) (1934-1994) │ │ │ husb: Ralph William Hayes Jr (living) │ │ │ dau: Tracey Lynn Hayes (Fisher) (living) │ │ │ │ husb: Stephen Joe Fisher (living) │ │ son: Donald Eugene Hoff (living) │ son: Howard William Hoff (1912-1914)