Thomas Gipson "TG" Pool Jr.
28 Jan 1916 Port Arthur, Jefferson, Texas, USA
1983 (age about 67 years)
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
┌─Thomas Gipson Pool Sr. (1881-1956) Thomas Gipson "TG" Pool Jr. (1916-1983) └─Eula Eugenia Cox (Pool) (1883-1964)
Thomas Gipson "TG" Pool Jr. (1916-1983) │ wife: Edna Faye Mobbs (Crow) (Pool) (1919-2005) │ dau: Toni Lynn Pool (Masterson) (living) │ │ husb: William Frank Masterson (?-?) │ │ son: Jason Mathew Masterson (?-?) │ │ dau: Elizabeth Dawn Masterson (?-?) │ │ dau: Tami Lynn Masterson (?-?) │ dau: Tomi Lynn Pool (Medlock) (living) │ │ husb: James R. Medlock (?-?) │ │ dau: Kara LaRae Medlock (?-?) │ │ dau: Colleen Faye Medlock (?-?)