Misouri // (Estes)
1849 Arkansas, USA
(unknown date)
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at Ancestry.com (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
Misouri // (Estes) (1849-?)
Misouri // (Estes) (1849-?) │ husb: James A Estes (1850-?) │ son: George Washington Estes (1882-1949) │ │ wife: Elma Cornelia Brown (Estes) (1878-1955) │ │ dau: Ivor L Estes (Makabe) (Ferguson) (1904-1988) │ │ │ husb: Paul Nobuo Makabe (1914-1989) │ │ │ husb: George Ferguson (c.1881-?) │ │ │ dau: Edith Ferguson (living) │ │ │ son: James Milton Ferguson (living) │ │ │ son: Gerald Bennett Ferguson Sr (1929-1977) │ │ │ │ wife: Mathel Analine Hutchins (Ferguson) (Boling) (1930-1998) │ │ │ │ son: Gerald Benett Ferguson Jr (living) │ │ │ │ │ wife: Carol Marie Voxland (Ferguson) (1947-2012) │ │ dau: Naoma Elizabeth "Oma" Estes (Starnes) (1907-1983) │ │ │ husb: Aubrey Ivan Starnes (1909-1969) │ │ │ dau: Betty Sue Starnes (Gifford) (1928-2013) │ │ │ │ husb: Harold D Gifford (living) │ │ │ dau: Aubrey Lee Starnes (Hackler) (living) │ │ │ │ husb: William Eugene Hackler (1926-2015) │ │ │ │ dau: Naoma Lee Hackler (Schmeisser) (1948-2001) │ │ │ │ │ husb: Garry Lynn Schmeisser (?-?) │ │ │ │ son: Richard Eugene Hackler (living) │ │ │ │ son: Gary Wayne Hackler (1952-2010) │ │ │ │ dau: Elizabeth Darlene Hackler (living) │ │ │ │ son: George Wilson "GW" Hackler (living) │ │ │ dau: Barbara Ann Starnes (living) │ │ dau: Alta Virginia "Vergie" Estes (Brown) (Eudy) (1909-1994) │ │ │ husb: Leonard Manuel Brown (living) │ │ │ husb: John Eudy (c.1906-?) │ │ │ dau: Virginia Pauline Eudy (1925-2002) │ │ │ son: James Eudy (living) │ son: William B Estes (1889-?)