Alexander T Hays
Jul 1829 Ohio, USA
Jan 1904 (age 74 years)
Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, USA
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
Alexander T Hays (1829-1904)
Alexander T Hays (1829-1904) │ wife: Elisa Jane Cox (Hays) (c.1832-?) │ son: Jerome Hays (1852-1919) │ │ wife: Anna Hays (Hays) (c.1865-c.1900) │ dau: Josephine Hays (Bridwell) (c.1853-?) │ │ husb: David A Bridwell (1852-c.1901) │ │ son: Henry Lee Bridwell (1880-?) │ │ │ wife: Martha Rasmussen (Bridwell) (c.1878-?) │ │ │ son: Russell Irving Bridwell (1906-1965) │ │ │ │ wife: Dorothy Stanley (Bridwell) (c.1911-?) │ │ │ │ dau: Jacquelin Bridwell (living) │ │ │ dau: Romona Bridwell (1908-1981) │ │ │ son: George Stanley Bridwell (1909-1959) │ │ │ │ wife: Dorothy Edna Shelton (Bridwell) (1912-1981) │ │ │ dau: Nona Marie Bridwell (Yelick) (1912-2006) │ │ │ │ husb: Francis Marion Yelick (1912-?) │ │ │ │ dau: Roxann Yelick (living) │ │ │ son: Theodore Lee Bridwell (1913-1999) │ │ │ │ wife: Edith Marie Schnittker (Bridwell) (1918-2013) │ │ │ dau: Lavern Eloise Bridwell (Watson) (1920-2003) │ │ │ │ husb: Blake H Watson (?-?) │ │ dau: Myrtle Bridwell (Nixon) (Kimball) (1884-?) │ │ │ husb: Joseph F Nixon (c.1880-?) │ │ │ dau: Mary Jo Nixon (Burnett) (1907-1980) │ │ │ │ husb: Elmer Edwin Burnett (1904-1995) │ │ │ │ dau: Deonna Jean Burnett (living) │ │ │ husb: Francis Ambrose "Frank" Kimball (1883-1964) │ │ │ son: Francis Arthur "Frank" Kimball Jr. (1911-?) │ │ │ │ wife: Laura Lee White (Kimball) (living) │ │ │ dau: Odess A Keimball (living) │ │ │ son: Fay Ivan Kimble (living) │ │ son: Harry Albert Bridwell (1886-1953) │ │ │ wife: Kittie M Campbell (Bridwell) (c.1881-?) │ │ │ son: Earl James Bridwell (1913-1974) │ │ │ │ wife: Olive Mae Chamblee (Bridwell) (1912-1978) │ │ │ wife: Florence M. Hoopper (Bridwell) (1888-?) │ │ dau: Loretta B Bridwell (Nestor) (1888-1960) │ │ │ husb: Gunnar Anton Engelbert Nestor (1883-1986) │ │ │ son: Gunner A Nestor Jr. (living) │ │ │ son: Charles Englebert Nestor (1919-1943) │ │ son: David Andrew Bridwell (1889-1957) │ │ │ wife: Laura E Williams (Bridwell) (c.1889-?) │ son: Charles Hays (1855-?) │ son: William Hays (1858-1921) │ │ wife: Eliza E. "Lydia" Gilky (Hays) (1859-1939) │ dau: Lucy I. Hays (Van Horn) (1861-1909) │ │ husb: Ira L. Van Horn (1853-1920) │ │ son: Arthur Cleveland Van Horn (1890-?) │ │ │ wife: Grace Brown (Van Horn) (c.1893-?) │ │ │ son: Richard A Van Horn (living) │ │ │ son: Burton Lee Van Horn (1919-1997) │ │ │ │ wife: Elfreda Augusta Schieman (Van Horn) (1920-2006) │ │ │ │ wife: Mona Eleanor Curtis (Van Horn) (1915-1996) │ │ son: Ray Van Horn (1896-?) │ son: Edward S. Hays (1863-1928) │ │ wife: Julia Sullivan (Hefferen) (Hays) (1864-1948) │ │ dau: Ruth Irene Hays (Lee) (Loops) (1893-1985) │ │ │ husb: Oscar Loops (c.1878-?) │ │ │ son: Russell Hays (1908-1923) │ │ │ husb: George Benjamin Lee Jr. (1890-1948) │ │ │ son: Vern Edward Lee (1915-1998) │ │ │ │ wife: Dorothy Lee Brown (Lee) (1919-2021) │ │ │ │ dau: Vivian Karrel Lee (Charton) (Bankster) (living) │ │ │ │ │ husb: Kenneth Winston Charton (1941-2007) │ │ │ │ │ husb: John Aaron Bankster (living) │ │ │ │ son: David Malcolm Lee (living) │ │ │ │ │ wife: Rebecca Lucille Tinsley (Lee) (living) │ │ │ │ │ son: Kenneth David Lee (living) │ │ │ │ │ │ wife: Jessica Ann Barrier (Lee) (living) │ │ │ │ │ │ dau: Josephine Benecia Lee (living) │ │ │ │ │ │ son: Oliver Benjamin Lee (living) │ │ │ │ │ son: Michael Edward Lee (living) │ │ │ │ │ │ wife: Angela Kaye Weber (Lee) (living) │ │ │ │ │ │ dau: Kaitlyn Alexandra Lee (living) │ │ │ │ │ │ son: Ethan Matthew Lee (living) │ │ │ │ │ son: Jason Benjamin Lee (1984-2008) │ │ │ │ son: Scott Edward Lee (living) │ │ │ │ │ wife: Deirdre Anna Saville (Lee) (living) │ │ │ son: George Benjamin "Jack" Lee III (1917-1995) │ │ │ │ wife: Frances M "Fritz" Podgorny (Lee) (1921-1965) │ │ │ │ dau: Madelyn Carol Lee (Turner) (Toth) (living) │ │ │ │ │ husb: Donald Lloyd Turner (living) │ │ │ │ │ dau: Traci Jo Turner (Skievaski) (Kudlo) (living) │ │ │ │ │ │ husb: Neal Kudlo (living) │ │ │ │ │ │ dau: Taylor Lee Kudlo (living) │ │ │ │ │ │ husb: Derek Sean Skievaski (living) │ │ │ │ │ │ dau: Savannah Lyn Skievaski (living) │ │ │ │ │ husb: Ronald Frank Toth (living) │ │ │ │ │ son: Cary Alan Toth (living) │ │ │ │ │ │ wife: Christine Marie Lakatos (Toth) (living) │ │ │ │ │ │ dau: Jennifer Toth (living) │ │ │ │ son: Dennis Alan Lee (living) │ │ │ │ │ wife: Sharron Louise Brazauskas (Lee) (Van Kooten) (living) │ │ │ │ │ son: David Lee (living) │ │ │ │ │ │ wife: Jeanie // (Lee) (?-?) │ │ │ │ │ son: Kevin Patrick Lee (living) │ │ │ │ │ │ wife: Amy // (Lee) (?-?) │ │ │ │ │ │ dau: Addison Lee (?-?) │ │ │ │ │ │ wife: Tricia Jo Turner (Lee) (living) │ │ │ │ wife: Mildred Mae "Midge" Hochstetler (Lee) (Fuell) (c.1921-2016) │ │ │ dau: Margery Irene Lee (1925-1993) │ son: Thadeus Hays (c.1864-?) │ dau: Mollie Hays (c.1868-?)