David A Bridwell
Jan 1852 Kentucky, USA
ABT 1901 (age about 49 years)
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at Ancestry.com (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
David A Bridwell (1852-c.1901)
David A Bridwell (1852-c.1901) │ wife: Josephine Hays (Bridwell) (c.1853-?) │ son: Henry Lee Bridwell (1880-?) │ │ wife: Martha Rasmussen (Bridwell) (c.1878-?) │ │ son: Russell Irving Bridwell (1906-1965) │ │ │ wife: Dorothy Stanley (Bridwell) (c.1911-?) │ │ │ dau: Jacquelin Bridwell (living) │ │ dau: Romona Bridwell (1908-1981) │ │ son: George Stanley Bridwell (1909-1959) │ │ │ wife: Dorothy Edna Shelton (Bridwell) (1912-1981) │ │ dau: Nona Marie Bridwell (Yelick) (1912-2006) │ │ │ husb: Francis Marion Yelick (1912-?) │ │ │ dau: Roxann Yelick (living) │ │ son: Theodore Lee Bridwell (1913-1999) │ │ │ wife: Edith Marie Schnittker (Bridwell) (1918-2013) │ │ dau: Lavern Eloise Bridwell (Watson) (1920-2003) │ │ │ husb: Blake H Watson (?-?) │ dau: Myrtle Bridwell (Nixon) (Kimball) (1884-?) │ │ husb: Joseph F Nixon (c.1880-?) │ │ dau: Mary Jo Nixon (Burnett) (1907-1980) │ │ │ husb: Elmer Edwin Burnett (1904-1995) │ │ │ dau: Deonna Jean Burnett (living) │ │ husb: Francis Ambrose "Frank" Kimball (1883-1964) │ │ son: Francis Arthur "Frank" Kimball Jr. (1911-?) │ │ │ wife: Laura Lee White (Kimball) (living) │ │ dau: Odess A Keimball (living) │ │ son: Fay Ivan Kimble (living) │ son: Harry Albert Bridwell (1886-1953) │ │ wife: Kittie M Campbell (Bridwell) (c.1881-?) │ │ son: Earl James Bridwell (1913-1974) │ │ │ wife: Olive Mae Chamblee (Bridwell) (1912-1978) │ │ wife: Florence M. Hoopper (Bridwell) (1888-?) │ dau: Loretta B Bridwell (Nestor) (1888-1960) │ │ husb: Gunnar Anton Engelbert Nestor (1883-1986) │ │ son: Gunner A Nestor Jr. (living) │ │ son: Charles Englebert Nestor (1919-1943) │ son: David Andrew Bridwell (1889-1957) │ │ wife: Laura E Williams (Bridwell) (c.1889-?)