Scott Lee's Family

This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).

Burton Lee Van Horn
Birth: 13 Jun 1919 Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Death: 13 Apr 1997 Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA (age 77 years)
Burial: Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
  • Parents
  • Ancestors
Birth: 15 Nov 1890 Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Death: (unknown date)
Birth: ABT 1893 Nebraska, USA
Death: (unknown date)
    ┌─James W Van Horn (c.1828-?)
  ┌─Ira L. Van Horn (1853-1920)
  │ └─Laura H // (Van Horn) (c.1832-?)
┌─Arthur Cleveland Van Horn (1890-?)
│ │ ┌─Alexander T Hays (1829-1904)
│ └─Lucy I. Hays (Van Horn) (1861-1909)
│   └─Elisa Jane Cox (Hays) (c.1832-?)
Burton Lee Van Horn (1919-1997)
└─Grace Brown (Van Horn) (c.1893-?)
  • Family
  • Descendants
Wife and children
Birth: 3 Sep 1920 Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Death: 22 Apr 2006 Sheboygan, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA (age 85 years)
Burial: Calvary Cemetery, Platte County, Nebraska, USA
Wife and children
Birth: 14 Nov 1915 Glenwood, Mills, Iowa, USA
Death: 3 Jul 1996 Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA (age 80 years)
Burial: Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA
Burton Lee Van Horn (1919-1997)
│ wife: Elfreda Augusta Schieman (Van Horn) (1920-2006)
│ wife: Mona Eleanor Curtis (Van Horn) (1915-1996)