Louis Dorsey Ridling
6 Apr 1922 Damascus, Van Buren, Arkansas, USA
10 Jun 2007 Greenbrier, Faulkner, Arkansas, USA (age 85 years)
Pinecrest Memorial Park and Garden Mausoleum, Alexander, Saline, Arkansas, USA
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at Ancestry.com (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
┌─John H Ridling (1853-?) ┌─Louis Dorsey Ridling (1886-1922) │ └─Kansas // (Ridling) (1857-?) Louis Dorsey Ridling (1922-2007) │ ┌─Michael Brown (c.1824-?) │ ┌─Edward Milton Brown (1853-1932) │ │ │ ┌─Jacob Hammons (c.1794-?) │ │ └─Matilda E Hammons (Brown) (1823-1870) │ │ └─Mary B // (Hammons) (c.1804-?) └─Emily V Brown (Ridling) (1891-1936) │ ┌─Thomas M Weaver (c.1801-?) └─Elizabeth Gabrilla Weaver (Brown) (1858-1922) └─Celah S. Gant (Weaver) (c.1824-?)
Louis Dorsey Ridling (1922-2007) │ wife: Bessie Lee Terry (Ridling) (1923-1998)