John Samuel Dickens
16 Mar 1876 Greenbrier, Faulkner, Arkansas, USA
4 Aug 1937 Greenbrier, Faulkner, Arkansas, USA (age 61 years)
Thorn Cemetery, Greenbrier, Faulkner, Arkansas, USA
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
┌─Joe Dickens (?-?) John Samuel Dickens (1876-1937) └─Sarah Lines (Dickens) (?-?)
John Samuel Dickens (1876-1937) │ wife: Mamie L Brakebill (Dickens) (1880-1917) │ dau: Mattie E Dicken (1898-?) │ son: James Edgar Dickens (1904-?) │ dau: Annie B Dickens (c.1907-?) │ son: Ralph E Dickens (c.1910-?) │ son: Sammie Dickens (living) │ son: Charles W Dickens (living) │ wife: Emmie Zettie Nash (Reynolds) (Dickens) (1885-1960)