Ollie Thomas Idom Jr
17 Nov 1918 Mississippi, USA
29 Mar 2008 Jackson, Hinds, Mississippi, USA (age 89 years)
Searcy Cemetery, Pulaski, Scott, Mississippi, USA
Relationship to Ollie Thomas Idom Jr:
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at Ancestry.com (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
┌─Ollie Idom (c.1882-?) Ollie Thomas Idom Jr (1918-2008) └─Maggie Stewart (Idom) (c.1887-?)
Ollie Thomas Idom Jr (1918-2008) │ wife: Ina Mae Blackburn (Idom) (1920-1954) │ dau: Peggy Idom (living) │ son: Max Ralph Idom (1947-1967)