Ollie Idom
ABT 1882 Mississippi, USA
(unknown date)
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at Ancestry.com (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
Ollie Idom (c.1882-?)
Ollie Idom (c.1882-?) │ wife: Maggie Stewart (Idom) (c.1887-?) │ dau: Addie Z Idom (c.1908-?) │ dau: Florence Idom (c.1912-?) │ son: Ollie Thomas Idom Jr (1918-2008) │ │ wife: Ina Mae Blackburn (Idom) (1920-1954) │ │ dau: Peggy Idom (living) │ │ son: Max Ralph Idom (1947-1967)