Scott Lee's Family

This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).

Newell "Noe" Badger Sr
Birth: Nov 1836 Canada
Death: EST 1913 (age about 76 years)
  • Parents
  • Ancestors
Unknown father
Unknown mother
Newell "Noe" Badger Sr (1836-c.1913)
  • Family
  • Descendants
Wife and children
Birth: Mar 1853 New Hampshire, USA
Death: (unknown date)
Marriage: 1876
Birth: 4 Jan 1877 Redford, Clinton, New York, USA
Death: 13 Jul 1947 Beekmantown, Clinton, New York, USA (age 70 years)
Burial: Saint Peter's Cemetery, Plattsburgh, Clinton, New York, USA
Birth: Feb 1879 New York, USA
Death: 24 Aug 1912 Saranac, Clinton, New York, USA (age 33 years)
Burial: Assumption Cemetery, Redford, Clinton, New York, USA
Birth: 10 Sep 1880 Saranac, Clinton, New York, USA
Death: 19 Oct 1945 (age 65 years)
Birth: 9 Nov 1883 Saranac, Clinton, New York, USA
Death: 17 Oct 1946 Saranac, Clinton, New York, USA (age 62 years)
Burial: Assumption Cemetery, Redford, Clinton, New York, USA
Birth: 30 Jan 1886 Saranac, Clinton, New York, USA
Death: 25 Mar 1952 Saranac, Clinton, New York, USA (age 66 years)
Burial: Assumption Cemetery, Redford, Clinton, New York, USA
Birth: Sep 1888 New York, USA
Death: (unknown date)
Birth: 22 Apr 1892 Redford, Clinton, New York, USA
Death: 8 Nov 1949 Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA (age 57 years)
Burial: Saint Aloysius Cemetery, Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA
Birth: 26 Jan 1896 Saranac, Clinton, New York, USA
Death: 30 Jan 1963 New York, USA (age 67 years)
Burial: St. Joseph's Cemetery, Coopersville, Clinton County, New York, USA
Birth: 19 Jun 1899 New York, USA
Death: 5 Feb 1924 Winooski, Chittenden, Vermont, USA (age 24 years)
Newell "Noe" Badger Sr (1836-c.1913)
│ wife: Julia Anna Relation (Badger) (1853-?)
│   son: Newell Joseph Badger Jr (1877-1947)
│   │ wife: Anna A. Behan (Badger) (Terrio\Ferrio\Terrier\Ferrier) (Obin) (1875-1945)
│   │   dau: Margrete Badger (1899-c.1905)
│   │   son: George C Badger (c.1901-?)
│   │   dau: Mary Albina Badger (Lang) (Rumph) (Sagg) (1904-1990)
│   │   │ husb: James Andrew Lang (1899-1967)
│   │   │   dau: Marian Emma Lang (1922-2001)
│   │   │ husb: Clyde Thomas Rumph (1908-1985)
│   │   │ husb: Elmer G Sagg (?-?)
│   │   dau: Amelia Eulena "Evelyn" Badger (Eichhorn) (1909-1995)
│   │   │ husb: Eichhorn (living)
│   │   dau: Lena May "Maizie" Badger (Tanner) (Shappy) (Fortini) (1911-2000)
│   │   │ husb: Foster F Shappy (1905-1983)
│   │   │ husb: Cesare "Jesse" Fortini (1904-1976)
│   │   │   dau: Evelyn Bernadette Badger (Saville) (Mathews) (1929-2014)
│   │   │   │ husb: Charles Robertson Saville (1928-1984)
│   │   │   │   dau: Valarie Lea Saville (Garland) (1949-2008)
│   │   │   │   │ husb: Leo Wayne Garland (1946-2022)
│   │   │   │   │   dau: Liesel Anne Garland (Riley) (living)
│   │   │   │   │   │ husb: Zachery Duane Riley (living)
│   │   │   │   │   │   dau: Elizabeth Riley (living)
│   │   │   │   │   │   son: Matthew Riley (living)
│   │   │   │   │   │   son: Isaac Riley (living)
│   │   │   │   │   │   son: Caleb Riley (living)
│   │   │   │   │   son: Jason Wayne Garland (living)
│   │   │   │   │   │ wife: Tania Cecilia Lewis (Garland) (living)
│   │   │   │   son: Leslie Foster Saville (living)
│   │   │   │   │ wife: Linda Sue Bowling (Saville) (1951-2018)
│   │   │   │   │   dau: Lindsie Anne Saville (Moseley) (living)
│   │   │   │   │   │ husb: Greg Scott Moseley (living)
│   │   │   │   │   │   dau: Addyson Rylie Moseley (living)
│   │   │   │   │   son: Lance Brittney Saville (living)
│   │   │   │   │   │ wife: Sarah Ann Lewis (Saville) (living)
│   │   │   │   │   │   dau: Sophia Saville (living)
│   │   │   │   │   │   dau: Lidia Saville (living)
│   │   │   │   dau: Deirdre Anna Saville (Lee) (living)
│   │   │   │   │ husb: Scott Edward Lee (living)
│   │   │   │ husb: Wheeler Harry Mathews (1924-2009)
│   │   │ husb: McGary Tanner (1897-1936)
│   │   dau: Bernadette J. "Bunny" Badger (Gowett) (Annarumma) () (living)
│   │   │ husb: Frank // (?-?)
│   │   │ husb: Alfred Joseph Gowett (1909-1948)
│   │   │   son: Gerald A. Gowett (1939-1957)
│   │   │ husb: Henry J. Annarumma (living)
│   │   dau: Joyce Badger (c.1918-1931)
│   dau: Rose A Baillargeon-Badger (Lawrence) (1879-1912)
│   │ husb: Charles Henry Lawrence (1873-1927)
│   │   son: James G Lawrence (1899-1978)
│   │   │ wife: Lilla Emogene Baker (Lawrence) (1895-1950)
│   │   │ wife: Madeline Alice Dezero (Hubbard) (Lawrence) (1908-1987)
│   │   dau: Stella Anna Lawrence (Macia) (1901-1994)
│   │   │ husb: Irving Dewey Macia (1898-1976)
│   │   │   dau: Catherine Rose Macia (Thomas) (living)
│   │   │   │ husb: Charles E Thomas (living)
│   │   │   dau: Albeta Eleanor Macia (Jordan) (living)
│   │   │   │ husb: Jordan (?-?)
│   │   │   son: Burton F Macia (living)
│   │   │   │ wife: Anita J Sainio (Macia) (living)
│   │   │   son: Donald Irving Macia (1927-1968)
│   │   │   │ wife: June Martha Ott (Macia) (living)
│   │   son: Fredrick Lawerence (c.1904-?)
│   │   │ wife: Florence Anna Gould (Lawerence) (c.1904-?)
│   │   │   son: Robert Julian Charles Lawrence (1925-1997)
│   │   │   │ wife: Mary Elizabeth Conron (Lawrence) (1929-2004)
│   │   │   dau: Geraldine M Lawrence (Seeberger) (living)
│   │   │   │ husb: Eugene F. Seeberger (1922-2004)
│   son: Napoleon Joseph Badger (1880-1945)
│   │ wife: Nina May Draper (Badger) (Thuotte) (Lawyer) (1876-1966)
│   son: Charles Martin Badger (1883-1946)
│   │ wife: Gertrude Cora Smith (Badger) (1888-1951)
│   │   dau: Freida Marie "Freda" Badger (Brooks) (1906-1999)
│   │   │ husb: Clayton Daniel Brooks (1901-1975)
│   │   │   dau: Frances L Brooks (Ashline) (1925-2017)
│   │   │   │ husb: Peter A. Ashline (1922-1978)
│   │   │   dau: Valida J. Brooks (Rabideau) (1926-2015)
│   │   │   │ husb: Howard Rabideau (1924-1986)
│   │   │   │   dau: Diana Rabideau (Carlow) (1944-1973)
│   │   │   │   │ husb: Dennis C. Carlow (?-?)
│   │   │   dau: Marjorie Gloria Brooks (Demarais) (1930-2003)
│   │   │   │ husb: Roy Peter Demarais (1927-1994)
│   │   │   │   son: Kenneth Roy Demarais (living)
│   │   │   │   │ wife: Denise M Rogalla (Demarais) (living)
│   │   │   │   │ wife: Nancy Ann Demarais (Demarais) (living)
│   │   │   │   │   son: Jacob Nathaniel Demarais (living)
│   │   │   dau: Shirley Rosilie Brooks (DuBrey) (1932-1986)
│   │   │   │ husb: Ernest Joseph DuBrey (1926-2012)
│   │   │   dau: Gertrude M Brooks (living)
│   │   │   son: Clayton J. Brooks (living)
│   │   dau: Florence A Badger (Cooney) (1908-1983)
│   │   │ husb: John J Cooney (?-1979)
│   │   │   dau: Maureen Cooney (?-?)
│   │   │   dau: Patricia E Cooney (?-?)
│   │   son: Earl Lealand "Leon" Badger (1909-1974)
│   │   │ spou: unknown
│   │   │   son: Arnold Badger (?-?)
│   │   │   son: Leon Badger (?-?)
│   │   │   son: William Badger (?-?)
│   │   son: Arnold J Badger (1911-1974)
│   │   dau: Dorothy L Badger (Ledwith) (1914-1997)
│   │   │ husb: John Hubert "Hughey" Ledwith (1902-1987)
│   │   │   son: Keron F Ledwith (living)
│   │   │   │ wife: Mary E Vaughan (Ledwith) (?-?)
│   │   dau: Edith E Badger (Clukey) (1916-1984)
│   │   │ husb: Frank Clukey (1904-1989)
│   │   dau: Leda M Badger (Brothers) (1919-2010)
│   │   │ husb: Leo A Brothers (1906-1979)
│   │   dau: Theresa M Badger (Turnbull) (1922-2008)
│   │   │ husb: Robert Henry Turnbull (1906-2002)
│   │   dau: Margaret G Badger (living)
│   │   dau: Gloria G Badger (Pearsall) (1929-1987)
│   │   │ husb: William Alexander Pearsall (1927-1994)
│   son: Fredrick Antwine Badger (1886-1952)
│   │ wife: Lillian M Smith (Badger) (c.1892-1946)
│   │   dau: Leona M Badger (Biafore) (1910-1991)
│   │   │ husb: Sam F Biafore (1907-1987)
│   │   son: Walter Leo Badger (1913-1958)
│   │   │ wife: Alice Bell McNeill (Badger) (1910-1959)
│   │   dau: Bertha Mary Badger (McCarthy) (1915-1960)
│   │   │ husb: Bartholmew Joseph McCarthy (1909-1995)
│   │   │   son: John Stephen McCarthy Sr (1950-2005)
│   │   │   │ wife: Katherine Ann Taylor (McCarthy) (living)
│   │   │   │ wife: Mickie Rae Rary (Turner) (Sorrell) (McCarthy) (1946-2010)
│   │   dau: Jeannette Badger (Mulvihill) (1926-1962)
│   │   │ husb: George W. Mulvihill (1918-1969)
│   │   │   son: Patrick Mulvihill (1953-1953)
│   son: Henry Badger (1888-?)
│   son: Leonard Dennis Baillargeon-Badger Sr. (1892-1949)
│   │ wife: Annie L Beaudoin (Baillargeon-Badger) (1893-1952)
│   │   dau: Margaret J Baillargeon-Badger (Rougeau) (1911-?)
│   │   │ husb: Rougeau (?-?)
│   │   son: Arthur Baillargeon-Badger (1913-1944)
│   │   son: William L. Baillargeon-Badger (1915-1974)
│   │   │ wife: Doris Marie Brissette (Baillargeon-Badger) (1920-1984)
│   │   │   son: Dennis Baillargeon-Badger (?-?)
│   │   son: Leonard Baillargeon-Badger (1918-1976)
│   │   │ wife: Barbara Alice Roach (McCandless) (Baillargeon-Badger) (Roberts) (Carter) (1926-1995)
│   son: Albert Eli "Bert" Baillargeon-Badger (1896-1963)
│   │ wife: Elizabeth Evelina "Bessie" Jennette (Baillargeon-Badger) (1900-1970)
│   │   son: Edward Albert Badger (1920-1992)
│   │   │ wife: Sylvia Loretta Patrie (Badger) (1921-1996)
│   │   │   son: Albert L Badger (1942-2004)
│   │   │   │ wife: Francine Morin (Badger) (?-?)
│   │   │   dau: Gail M Badger (Corron) (1950-2018)
│   │   │   │ husb: David Frank Corron (1953-2004)
│   │   │   │   dau: Emily Corron (?-?)
│   │   dau: Hazel Faith Badger (Lee) (1922-1987)
│   │   │ husb: Lee (?-?)
│   │   son: Loyal Frederick Badger (1923-2011)
│   │   │ wife: Theresa Rabideau (Badger) (?-?)
│   │   │ wife: Hilda Margaret Relation (Badger) (1924-1995)
│   │   dau: Rita A Badger (Turner) (1924-1974)
│   │   │ husb: Donald F Turner (1917-1999)
│   │   dau: Beatrice Mary "Bea" Badger (Brushnefski) (1929-2018)
│   │   │ husb: Joseph Struvis Brushnefski (1924-1997)
│   │   │   son: Gregory Brushnefski (?-?)
│   │   │   son: Gary Brushnefski (?-?)
│   │   │   son: Stephen Brushnefski (?-?)
│   │   │   dau: Sandra Brushnefski (?-?)
│   │   │   dau: Susan Brushnefski (1950-2020)
│   │   dau: Frances Badger (Smith) (living)
│   │   │ husb: Smith (?-?)
│   │   dau: June M Badger (Bedard) (living)
│   │   │ husb: Adrien H Bedard (1926-2016)
│   dau: Lena May Marie Baillargeon-Badger (Mitchell) (1899-1924)
│   │ husb: Edward Euseb Mitchell (1900-1933)