John Stephen McCarthy Sr
23 Feb 1950 Fort Dix, Burlington, New Jersey, USA
23 Apr 2005 Chesapeake, Virginia, USA (age 55 years)
Albert G Horton Jr Memorial Veterans Cemetery, Suffolk, Suffolk City, Virginia, USA
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
┌─Bartholmew Joseph McCarthy (1909-1995) John Stephen McCarthy Sr (1950-2005) │ ┌─Newell "Noe" Badger Sr (1836-c.1913) │ ┌─Fredrick Antwine Badger (1886-1952) │ │ └─Julia Anna Relation (Badger) (1853-?) └─Bertha Mary Badger (McCarthy) (1915-1960) └─Lillian M Smith (Badger) (c.1892-1946)
John Stephen McCarthy Sr (1950-2005) │ wife: Katherine Ann Taylor (McCarthy) (living) │ wife: Mickie Rae Rary (Turner) (Sorrell) (McCarthy) (1946-2010)