George Ferguson
ABT 1881 Arkansas, USA
(unknown date)
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
George Ferguson (c.1881-?)
George Ferguson (c.1881-?) │ wife: Ivor L Estes (Makabe) (Ferguson) (1904-1988) │ dau: Edith Ferguson (living) │ son: James Milton Ferguson (living) │ son: Gerald Bennett Ferguson Sr (1929-1977) │ │ wife: Mathel Analine Hutchins (Ferguson) (Boling) (1930-1998) │ │ son: Gerald Benett Ferguson Jr (living) │ │ │ wife: Carol Marie Voxland (Ferguson) (1947-2012)