Scott Lee's Family

This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).

Jennifer Toth
  • Parents
  • Ancestors
      ┌─Joseph Toth (c.1879-?)
    ┌─Joseph Frank Toth (1912-1991)
    │ │ ┌─Andras Stomp (?-?)
    │ └─Magdalena Stomp (Toth) (c.1884-?)
    │   └─Borbala Raisz (Stomp) (?-?)
  ┌─Ronald Frank Toth (living)
  │ │ ┌─Joseph Schafer-Szafasz (c.1884-?)
  │ └─Anna M. "Gee Gee" Schaffer (Toth) (1916-2013)
  │   └─Victoria Oleszkowicz (Schafer-Szafasz) (c.1889-?)
┌─Cary Alan Toth (living)
│ │       ┌─John G. Lee (?-c.1880)
│ │     ┌─George Benjamin Lee Sr. (1864-1934)
│ │     │ └─Elizabeth Huff (Lee) (c.1845-?)
│ │   ┌─George Benjamin Lee Jr. (1890-1948)
│ │   │ │ ┌─Alexander Wilbur (?-?)
│ │   │ └─Mary L Wilbur (Lee) (c.1863-c.1913)
│ │   │   └─Mary Funk (Wilbur) (?-?)
│ │ ┌─George Benjamin "Jack" Lee III (1917-1995)
│ │ │ │   ┌─Alexander T Hays (1829-1904)
│ │ │ │ ┌─Edward S. Hays (1863-1928)
│ │ │ │ │ └─Elisa Jane Cox (Hays) (c.1832-?)
│ │ │ └─Ruth Irene Hays (Lee) (Loops) (1893-1985)
│ │ │   │ ┌─Eugene J Sullivan (?-c.1905)
│ │ │   └─Julia Sullivan (Hefferen) (Hays) (1864-1948)
│ │ │     └─Bridget McMahon (Cashman) (Sullivan) (1831-1908)
│ └─Madelyn Carol Lee (Turner) (Toth) (living)
│   │   ┌─Michael Podgorny (?-?)
│   │ ┌─Joseph Podgorny (1881-1938)
│   └─Frances M "Fritz" Podgorny (Lee) (1921-1965)
│     └─Rose A Buzak-Bujak (Podgorny) (c.1887-?)
Jennifer Toth (living)
│ ┌─Charles Lakatos (?-?)
└─Christine Marie Lakatos (Toth) (living)
  └─Beatrice Gilkey (Lakatos) (?-?)
  • Family
  • Descendants
Jennifer Toth (living)