James Albert Sylvester Powers
3 Oct 1911 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USA
18 Dec 1980 Beech Grove, Marion, Indiana, USA (age 69 years)
Holy Cross and Saint Joseph Cemetery, Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USA
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at Ancestry.com (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
┌─James P. Powers (c.1872-?) James Albert Sylvester Powers (1911-1980) └─Stella Siler (Powers) (c.1883-?)
James Albert Sylvester Powers (1911-1980) │ wife: Maxine Isabel Lowe (Powers) (Houston) (1909-1989) │ dau: Barbara Joan Powers (?-?) │ dau: Mary Jo Powers (Seitz) (?-?) │ │ husb: Seitz (?-?) │ son: Frederick Powers (?-?) │ son: James Powers (?-?) │ son: Terry Glenn Powers Sr. (1955-1998) │ │ wife: Terry JoAnn Smith (Powers) (living)