Clarence Beacher Swart Jr
12 Sep 1927 Rives Junction, Jackson, Michigan, USA
20 Feb 2013 (age 85 years)
Houston National Cemetery, Houston, Harris, Texas, USA
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
┌─Isaac E. Swart (1860-1950) ┌─Clarence B. Swart Sr (1888-1951) │ └─Ada Landsburg (Swart) (1868-?) Clarence Beacher Swart Jr (1927-2013) │ ┌─John G. Lee (?-c.1880) │ ┌─George Benjamin Lee Sr. (1864-1934) │ │ └─Elizabeth Huff (Lee) (c.1845-?) └─Mary Elizabeth Lee (Baker) (Swart) (1895-1974) │ ┌─Vincent B. "Bob" Brantley (?-?) └─Laura Louise Brantley (Lee) (Hanes) (Lumbert) (1869-1938) │ ┌─Jno W Phillips (?-?) └─Mary Brown Phillips (Brantley) (1844-1918)
Clarence Beacher Swart Jr (1927-2013) │ wife: Helen Christine Johnson (Swart) (living) │ son: Mark Brian Swart (living)