James Vernon Hutto
15 Dec 1923 Damascus, Van Buren, Arkansas, USA
7 Jan 1993 Lancaster, Los Angeles, California, USA (age 69 years)
Bee Branch Cemetery, Bee Branch, Van Buren, Arkansas, USA
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at Ancestry.com (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
┌─William Alexander Hutto (1817-1892) ┌─William H Hutto (1845-1912) │ └─Rosannah Spier (Hutto) (Hutto) (1825-1894) ┌─Seth Marshall Hutto (1892-1970) │ └─Rosannah Spier (Hutto) (Hutto) (1825-1894) James Vernon Hutto (1923-1993) │ ┌─W T Bradley (c.1834-?) │ ┌─William Sherman Bradley (1860-1947) │ │ └─Fanny // (Bradley) (c.1834-?) └─Annie L Bradley (Hutto) (1896-1960) │ ┌─Michael Brown (c.1824-?) │ ┌─William A Brown (c.1847-?) │ │ │ ┌─Jacob Hammons (c.1794-?) │ │ └─Matilda E Hammons (Brown) (1823-1870) │ │ └─Mary B // (Hammons) (c.1804-?) └─Minnie L. Brown (Bradley) (1870-1940) │ ┌─William Alexander Hutto (1817-1892) └─Elizabeth Jane Hutto (Brown) (1850-1900) └─Rosannah Spier (Hutto) (Hutto) (1825-1894)
James Vernon Hutto (1923-1993) │ wife: Julia Beth Clark (Hutto) (living)