Dorothy Jean "Dot" Coffer (Brown)
18 Jan 1921 Alix, Franklin County, Arkansas, USA
2 Feb 2000 Clinton, Van Buren, Arkansas, USA (age 79 years)
Republican Cemetery, Greenbrier, Faulkner, Arkansas, USA
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
┌─William Elijah Coffer (1860-1936) │ └─Sarah E // (c.1838-?) ┌─Elmer Elijah Coffer (1891-1944) │ └─Sarah Elizabeth Townsend (Coffer) (1858-1892) Dorothy Jean "Dot" Coffer (Brown) (1921-2000) │ ┌─Allen H Berry (1851-1919) └─Mona Margaret Berry (Coffer) (Tremor) (1896-1989) └─Hattie M Hansberry (Berry) (1872-?)
Dorothy Jean "Dot" Coffer (Brown) (1921-2000) │ husb: John Ed Brown (1917-2014) │ dau: Laurel Leslie Brown (living) │ dau: Julia Ellen Brown (Hensley) (Whetstone) (1957-2006) │ │ husb: Jerry Dale Hensley (living) │ │ husb: Bud Bernard Whetstone (living)