Thomas Carroll Cavinder
20 Jul 1872 Litchfield, Montgomery, Illinois, USA
19 May 1931 Litchfield, Montgomery, Illinois, USA (age 58 years)
22 May 1931 Elmwood Cemetery, Litchfield, Montgomery, Illinois, USA
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
┌─Jarret N Cavender (c.1842-?) Thomas Carroll Cavinder (1872-1931) │ ┌─David Lay (1818-1881) └─Mary Jane Lay (Nash) (Cavender) (1843-1914) └─Margaret Briggs (Lay) (c.1822-?)
Thomas Carroll Cavinder (1872-1931) │ wife: Dora Lucetta Meyers (Cavinder) (1878-1950) │ son: Leslie D Cavender (1896-?) │ dau: Mamie L Cavender (1898-?) │ son: Wilmer G Cavender (1900-?)