Harry Lowe Sr
19 Oct 1884 Washington, Daviess, Indiana, USA
(unknown date)
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at Ancestry.com (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
Harry Lowe Sr (1884-?)
Harry Lowe Sr (1884-?) │ wife: Mary Ann Hefferen (Lowe) (1882-1954) │ dau: Maxine Isabel Lowe (Powers) (Houston) (1909-1989) │ │ husb: Alfred Jones Houston (?-?) │ │ son: Alfred Lee Houston (1927-1981) │ │ │ wife: Wanda Brown (Houston) (?-?) │ │ husb: James Albert Sylvester Powers (1911-1980) │ │ dau: Barbara Joan Powers (?-?) │ │ dau: Mary Jo Powers (Seitz) (?-?) │ │ │ husb: Seitz (?-?) │ │ son: Frederick Powers (?-?) │ │ son: James Powers (?-?) │ │ son: Terry Glenn Powers Sr. (1955-1998) │ │ │ wife: Terry JoAnn Smith (Powers) (living) │ dau: June Lowe (living) │ son: Harry "Bud" Lowe Jr (1916-1989) │ dau: Leona Ellen Lowe (1919-2001)