Terry Glenn Powers Sr.
3 Jan 1955 Beech Grove, Marion, Indiana, USA
7 Oct 1998 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USA (age 43 years)
Forest Lawn Memory Gardens, Greenwood, Johnson, Indiana, USA
This is the family tree of Scott Lee. A more detailed version, with source citations, is available at Ancestry.com (an Ancestry account is required, but it is no-cost).
┌─James P. Powers (c.1872-?) ┌─James Albert Sylvester Powers (1911-1980) │ └─Stella Siler (Powers) (c.1883-?) Terry Glenn Powers Sr. (1955-1998) │ ┌─Harry Lowe Sr (1884-?) └─Maxine Isabel Lowe (Powers) (Houston) (1909-1989) │ ┌─Michael Hefferen (c.1862-?) └─Mary Ann Hefferen (Lowe) (1882-1954) │ ┌─Eugene J Sullivan (?-c.1905) └─Julia Sullivan (Hefferen) (Hays) (1864-1948) │ ┌─Bryan McMahon (?-?) └─Bridget McMahon (Cashman) (Sullivan) (1831-1908) └─Mary McElligott (McMahon) (?-?)
Terry Glenn Powers Sr. (1955-1998) │ wife: Terry JoAnn Smith (Powers) (living)